President Dottie Linden's Message

We CAN Do lt

YAs I listened to some of the original Rosie the Riveters be celebrated and honored recently with the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor, I thought about us and how issues we are facing in our communities, state and nation sometimes seem daunting and impossible to impact (especially living in a one-party state trying to fight against ongoing liberal policies and actions). It really changed my perspective regarding our challenge. There were some six million women in that special“sisterhood” who took up the task of filling the jobs vacated as our nation’s men (and women) were called into action to fight the war. “Riveter” Mae Krier told about being 17 years old and hearing Hitler say “we couldn’t produce” and “that would be the end of America”. She continued, “We were unaware how capable we were. With four little words ‘we CAN do it’ we showed Hitler what Americans were made of!” Now, what about us? We aren’t being called to don bandanas, or learn to use riveting machines and go to work in factories (although I bet we could and WOULD)! We are facing a different type of war, but it is a deadly threat to our future freedom and liberty. We’re not needed to take up arms in this battle. Instead, we are needed to take facts and truth out to those who haven’t been exposed to either and help them become better “informed, empowered and ENGAGED” in the political process. Hitler may be gone, but there are plenty of equally evil enemies out there with goals to weaken our resolve and attack us on many fronts daily, including some of the media. So now is OUR time to take up the fight for our future and that of our families. Let’s ALL join together and go out into the community to meet and greet people at various events and venues, explain issues, get signatures on key initiatives, register (or RE-register) voters, or just talk with friends and neighbors who need help getting to know our strong Republican candidates and understanding the truth behind what they’ve been told by the media. Whether you’ve done it before or are new to this effort, together “we CAN do it”. Like “Riveter” Jean Gibson Bayh said “everybody worked together to get that war over. We became leaders of change who weren’t afraid to try new things. We were some bad ass women, but tried to be ladies with legendary spirit.” Turns out they were invincible warriors and so are we! Dottie Linden President Sacramento Republican Women Federated - “Informed – Engaged – Empowered!”


Our latest and best photos

Our Speaker, Bill Essayli, was magnificent.


Please contact our Secretary-ProTem Karen Juten at [email protected] you would like a copy of the latest Minutes Report.

Please contact our Treasurer, Carol Usmial, at [email protected] if you would like a copy of the latest Treasurer's Report.  

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Upcoming Event Calendar

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 5:30 PM SRWF Special Event Committee Meeting 

Wednesday June 19, 2024, Sac GOP Meeting

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 10AM-2PM SRWF BOD meeting

June 26/August 14, SRWF BOD Planning Mtg. TBD Tuesday

July 23 & Friday July 26 – CA State Fair, SRWF Days

Wednesday, August 14, 2024, TBD SRWF BOD Meeting

Thursday, August 29, 2024 – “Reagan” Movie Event 

Save the Date -Thursday September 12, 2024 - Sacramento Republican Women Federated Special Event

Wednesday, September 18, 2024, SRWF General Meeting

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 - ELECTION DAY!